Practice makes the brain's motor cortex more efficient Not only does practice make perfect, it also makes for more efficient generation of neuronal activity in the brain's primary motor cortex, say researchers. New findings have shown that practice leads to decreased metabolic activity for internally generated movements, but not for visually guided motor tasks, and suggest the motor cortex is "plastic" and a potential site for the storage of motor ...
Aug. 5, 2013 - Science Daily
Practice makes the brain's motor cortex more efficient, Pitt researchers say ( University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences ) Not only does practice make perfect, it also makes for more efficient generation of neuronal activity in the brain's primary motor cortex, say researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Their findings, published online today in Nature Neuroscience, showed practice leads to decreased metabolic activity for ...
Aug. 4, 2013 - EurekAlert!