missouri :

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muh zoo ree

  • n  a midwestern state in central United States; a border state during the American Civil War, Missouri was admitted to the Confederacy without actually seceding from the Union
  • n  the longest river in the United States; arises in Montana and flows southeastward to become a tributary of the Mississippi at Saint Louis
  • n  a member of the Siouan people formerly inhabiting the valley of the Missouri river in Missouri
  • n  a dialect of the Chiwere language spoken by the Missouri
News & Articles


  • Claire McCaskill in Bloomberg
    I have to be assured that this is going to bring down the deficit, and it's going to bring down health-care costs for most Missouri families,said McCaskill.
  • Gary Pinkel in International Herald Tribune
    This shines a huge light, a shining light, on the University of Missouri and the state,Pinkel said in a conference call with the Mizzou Tiger Club of St. Louis.
  • Charles Grassley in Washington Post
    I would not advise him to take that position,Grassley said. "For sure, he can't lose Missouri and that's in the upper Midwest. Could he lose Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin and still be elected president? Yes, but I wouldn't advise him to...

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