misinterpretation :

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mis in tur pruh tay shuhn

  • n  putting the wrong interpretation on
    his misinterpretation of the question caused his error

  • My third mistake was less profound: My remarks opened the door for misinterpretation, especially by left-wing bloggers.
  • I think what they do is they leave themselves more open to misinterpretation.
  • His hesitancy in making the report was due to: 1) ordinary scientific cautiousness; 2) the misinterpretation of the experimental adrenal cortex cancer treatment being tried out .
News & Articles

  • Glendale counters lawsuit to remove Quintero
    An attempt to boot Councilman Frank Quintero out of office has more to do with his support of a recent ban on gun shows on city-owned property than a misinterpretation of a decades-old revolving-door policy, attorneys for Glendale contend in court documents.
    June 15, 2013 - The Glendale News-Press

  • Will Smith in Salt Lake Tribune
    It is an awful and disgusting lie,Smith said in a statement Monday provided by his publicist. "I am incensed and infuriated to have to respond to such ludicrous misinterpretation."
  • Ali al-Adeeb in guardian.co.uk
    If someone asked me today, 'Ricky, what are you afraid of?' I would answer 'the blood that runs through the streets of countries at war......child slavery, terrorism......the cynicism of some people in positions of power, the misinterpretation of... Ricky Martin http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricky_Mart%C3%ADn&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGljNEsIlNkrcp61-4Fh02oomMzEA Chicago Tribune http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/chi-100329-ricky-martin-gay-out-of-closet,0,7173675.story&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNE9w0VzXvAd8HCd3O37V1euNTDBOA Mar 29, 2010 64162 85457 misinterpretation The Iraqi side wants to remove any mention of a possible extension of US troops, fearing that the existing clause might be subjected to misinterpretation or could bear different interpretation because Multinational Forces might demand for extension...

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