meanness :

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  • n  the quality of being deliberately mean
  • n  extreme stinginess

  • No matter how well you think you understand what goes on in adolescent life, it can be shocking to read first-hand accounts of the jealousy, pettiness, meanness and general anxiety .
  • And Diane English, Murphy's creator, capped the evening with a defense of single mothers that crossed the line into partisan meanness.
  • The sheer meanness and downright stupidity of the vituperation is an indication of the intellectual bankruptcy of what currently passes for black leadership.
News & Articles

  • Linus Torvalds Defends His God-Given Right to Offend You
    Is meanness the secret sauce of a winning open-source project? It might be, according to Linus Torvalds, the guy who's been running the Linux kernel project for the past 22 years. This week, Torvalds got caught up in a debate about his people skills, when Sarah Sharp -- an Intel kernel developer who works on the kernel's USB subsystem since the mid-2000s -- called him out for being verbally ...
    July 17, 2013 - Wired News

  • Andrew Young in MSNBC
    He was a very, very mean man. His meanness really served simply to express the subtle evil of the system of segregation,said Andrew Young, the former Atlanta mayor and United Nations ambassador who organized voter registration efforts in...
  • Marek Edelman in Forbes
    Murdering Jews was pure banditry, and I wouldn't explain it as anti-Semitism,Edelman said in an interview with the Gazeta Wyborcza daily. "It was contempt for man, for human life, plain meanness. A bandit doesn't attack someone who is...
  • Leonard Pitts in The Free Lance-Star (blog)
    As Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts wrote recently, anonymous online forums "have become havens for a level of crudity, bigotry, meanness and plain nastiness that shocks the tattered remnants of our propriety."

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