n a periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it
it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money
n product consisting of a paperback periodic publication as a physical object
tripped over a pile of magazines
n a business firm that publishes magazines
he works for a magazine
n a light-tight supply chamber holding the film and supplying it for exposure as required
n a storehouse (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored
n a metal frame or container holding cartridges; can be inserted into an automatic gun
Yourwellness Magazine Follows Up Obesity Gene and Gender Study With a new study finding that weight gain in men and women is predicted by two different genetic variations, Yourwellness Magazine investigated another study which linked malignant melanoma to the same gene that has already been associated with weight gain and obesity. (PRWeb June 13, 2013) Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/6/prweb10773861.htm
June 14, 2013 - PRWeb
Magazine Industry Eyes Retail Partnerships PHILADELPHIA -- The magazine industry aims to jumpstart sales at supermarkets by advocating for data-driven partnerships and focusing on innovative product launches, according to top publishing executives at a retail conference here. read more
June 12, 2013 - Supermarket News
Magazine honors CUNA Mutual with award MADISON, Wis. --- IDG's CIO magazine has announced CUNA Mutual Group is among its 2013 CIO 100 award recipients.
June 12, 2013 - Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
Robert Gates in Reuters I read with concern the profile piece on Gen. Stanley McChrystal in the upcoming edition of 'Rolling Stone' magazine. I believe that Gen. McChrystal made a significant mistake and exercised poor judgment in this case,Gates said in a statement.
John Edwards in ABC News Referring to a photo of Clinton on the cover of the July 9 issue of Fortune with a headline reading "Business Loves Hillary," Edwards said, "You will never see a picture of me on the front of Fortune magazine saying I'm the candidate that...
Brett Ratner in Guardian Unlimited Hef came from a puritanical upbringing and reinvented himself to be the godfather of the sexual revolution,Ratner told the show business magazine Variety. "He also used his magazine to advocate civil rights and free speech, and put James...