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  • n  a long-playing phonograph record; designed to be played at 33.3 rpm
News & Articles


  • Steve Jobs in Apple Insider
    iTunes 9 is a great iTunes release, with innovative features that make using iTunes better than ever and iTunes content richer than ever,said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. "iTunes LP, for example, lets artists share more of their creativity...
  • Michael Bloomberg in Forbes
    Asked what he knew about the lawsuit, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said: "Nothing whatsoever. You'll have to talk to Bloomberg LP I haven't worked there, as you know, in an awful long time."
  • Ray Davies in InTheNews.co.uk
    Davies explained: "Personally, it's about reaching as many people as possible. I'm incredibly proud of this LP and am truly excited that 1.5 million copies will be distributed to people who'll hear it organically - the way it was intended."

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