Scholars tend to lionize directors who develop groundbreaking styles or who come to dominate and define a genre men like Hitchcock, Welles, Hawks and Ford.
Members of FOW don't lionize work, but they don't condemn it either.
And they always have a chuckle or two over the way all the pussycats lionize them.
Abraham Foxman in Anti-Defamation League (press release) It is sad and disturbing that a man of Soyinka's stature and respectability in the arts world would lionize a man like Farrakhan, who is certainly no positive role model,said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "We hope that Soyinka...
Tommy Burns in Seattle Post Intelligencer The thing about Jackson,Burns said, "is you want to be tough on him, but at the same time you realize this is a transcendent, heroic figure. We lionize and deify Muhammad Ali, who had to swim upstream during the 1960s, a decade dedicated...