Welton Becket Associates has designed for General Electric a "curvilinear lamella" dotted with lights; moon craters and mountains encrust the dome of the Transportation and .
All-Digital Active Wireless Speakers feature WiSA certification. Available in solid oak, black, or white, BeoLab 18 wall/floor column speakers have acoustic lens tweeter and 21-lamella front. Wedge-like form of BeoLab 17 speakers facilitates placement in such areas as bookshelves and walls. To eliminate unwanted vibrations, BeoLab 19 subwoofer draws on rigidity of 12-faced dodecahedron and 2 drivers operating in phase. All 3 speakers are equipped with sound ...
Nov. 7, 2013 - ThomasNet
TEM Sample Preparation Workflow promotes high throughput. Suitable for use in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, ExSolve™ can prepare site-specific, 20 nm thick TEM lamella on whole wafers up to 300 mm dia. Solution can sample many sites per wafer in fully automated process inside fab, and wafer TEM prep (WTP) increases speed of sample preparation. This provides semiconductor and data storage manufacturers with access to data needed ...
Nov. 6, 2013 - ThomasNet