judge advocate :

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judge advocate

  • n  an officer assigned to the judge advocate general
  • n  a staff officer serving as legal adviser to a military commander
News & Articles

  • Judge stalls Fort Hood suspect's delay request
    FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) — The military judge overseeing the trial of an Army psychiatrist charged in the 2009 Fort Hood shooting rampage may not allow him to claim that he killed to defend Taliban leaders, military experts said Wednesday. Lisa M. Windsor, a retired Army colonel and former judge advocate, said the judge may allow it but tell jurors to disregard Hasan's argument, because it doesn't ...
    June 17, 2013 - San Antonio Express-News
  • Fort Hood suspect can appeal if defense rejected
    FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) — The military judge overseeing the trial of an Army psychiatrist charged in the 2009 Fort Hood shooting rampage may not allow him to claim that he killed to defend Taliban leaders, military experts said Wednesday. Lisa M. Windsor, a retired Army colonel and former judge advocate, said the judge may allow it but tell jurors to disregard Hasan's argument, because it doesn't ...
    June 17, 2013 - San Antonio Express-News
  • Judge to rule on Fort Hood suspect's delay request
    FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) — The military judge overseeing the trial of an Army psychiatrist charged in the 2009 Fort Hood shooting rampage may not allow him to claim that he killed to defend Taliban leaders, military experts said Wednesday. Lisa M. Windsor, a retired Army colonel and former judge advocate, said the judge may allow it but tell jurors to disregard Hasan's argument, because it doesn't ...
    June 14, 2013 - San Antonio Express-News

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