Even if you write off the $565 billion iou as uncollectible, there is still a decade of excess payment to come.
Republican senators proposed sending a $100 rebate check to embattled drivers, like an IOU for their collective failure to think seriously about an actual energy policy.
The last straw Have you bought your summer chapeau yet morsels? I’m only nagging because I care — the sun is just nature’s IOU for wrinkles. Word to the wise: when hat hunting, think broad brims — enough to shade your entire body, with room for a few close friends. I still mourn the loss of my favorite summer straw, a pink sombrero with a brim so hefty I used it to hold a few essentials: sunscreen, lip balm ...
June 9, 2013 - Boston Herald
Charles Goodhart in BusinessWeek A letter of credit is an IOU between an importer and exporter and the lifeblood of international trade flows. Some cargo ships have been stranded at ports as stocks pile up, because exporters have been unable to arrange shipping without being... Matt Robinson http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Robinson&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNH8RDRny6UCeQGeTFr6ZgjmHDiH2w Shipping Digest http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.shippingdigest.com/news/article.asp%3Fsid%3D5641%26ltype%3Dfeature&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHHyncgWWwdbJvH0X6vMUE95eU7OA Nov 17, 2008
53630 70604 iou Should the deal fail, Greece might do a kind of dual currency in which they use their scarce euros to meet their external commitments and in the meantime use an internal IOU, rather as Californian and some of the Argentinian states did, in order to...