The roof is made of an interlace of cables covered with a steel deck, and hangs off steel pylons at the four corners.
At every point, religion and politics interlace, and must do so more acutely as the conflict between the two great camps of menthose who reject and those who worship God .
Their lines will interlace between Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Buffalo, Trenton and Newark; will get current from hydro-electric establishments at Niagara Falls, at Conowingo .
CMOS Image Sensors feature Bright Mode technology. With Bright Mode CMOS Image Sensor technology, smartphones and tablet PCs can record Full-HD video at 240 fps. Additionally, Bright Mode realizes quality, slow motion video playback at 1/8 standard speed. Technology doubles exposures time by adopting interlaced video output. It also employs charge binning, which doubles electrical charge of each pixel, resulting in images that are 4x brighter ...
Jan. 13, 2014 - ThomasNet