institute :

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in stuh tooht

  • n  an association organized to promote art or science or education
  • v  set up or lay the groundwork for
  • v  advance or set forth in court
    bring charges", "institute proceedings

  • The institute seeks to stimulate creative Christian thinking on urban problems through weekend seminars that are open to outsiders.
  • The Earth Institute's approach is to bring together scientists, economists and policy makers to find the best developmental paths.
  • In turn, the institute sends out members of its own staff to lecture at campuses all over the South.
News & Articles

  • Not many possibilities for Detroit Institute of Arts to raise money outside of selling art
    The Detroit Institute of Arts has limited possibilities for generating money for the city once selling art is off the table. Experts and DIA officials say the most frequently cited ideas are impractical or not lucrative enough to dent the city's gargantuan debt and would harm the museum.
    June 30, 2013 - Detroit Free Press
  • Tiny Electric Current Makes Others Look Better
    Scientists at the California Institute of Technology have figured out how to make you look better in the eyes of your mate. All you have to do is run an extremely weak electrical current through a key part of your lover's brain, and you will look better than you did before. For a few minutes, at least.        
    June 30, 2013 - ABC News
  • Planned closure of Institute of Aviation might not end pilot training
    With one year to go before the University of Illinois Institute of Aviation is shuttered, local officials with Parkland College and a not-for-profit defense contractor are considering a partnership to keep pilot training in Champaign-Urbana. CHAMPAIGN — With one year to go before the University of Illinois Institute of Aviation is shuttered, local officials with Parkland College and a not-for ...
    June 30, 2013 -

  • Barack Obama in Reuters India
    I think people have the right to lawfully bear arms. I do believe that there is nothing inconsistent with also saying that we can institute some common-sense gun laws so that we don't have kids being shot on the streets of cities like Chicago,...
  • Thomas Jefferson in Prison
    After all, the Declaration says our government derives its "just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute...
  • Abraham Foxman in FOXNews
    Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, called it "shameful that a peace institute would be headed up by a bigot."

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