impunity :

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im pyooh ni tee

  • n  exemption from punishment or loss

  • In the past few months, several militant groups with bases in Pakistan's lawless tribal region have begun to move with relative impunity in and around the cities and towns of the .
  • Her husband will no longer be able to be unfaithful with impunity, nor will he be allowed to take his bastard children into the house as if they were legitimate, or repudiate his .
  • You'll struggle to find a better illustration of the culture of impunity that reigns in Khartoum.
News & Articles

  • Movie Review: ‘The Purge,’ Starring Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey
    In “The Purge,” with Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey, an America of the future allows crime with impunity once a year.        
    June 6, 2013 - New York Times
  • 'The Purge': A slasher film that's a cut above
    A stock home-invasion thriller made moderately more interesting by a thin veneer of pop psychology, "The Purge" asks us to believe that, in nine short years, American society will have become so depraved that our government will grant us one night a year to indulge our inner Neanderthals with impunity.
    June 6, 2013 - The Troy Record

  • Barack Obama in WAOW
    Obama says, "If this region slides backwards, if the Taliban retakes this country and al Qaeda can operate with impunity, then more American lives will be at stake."
  • Gordon Brown in Sydney Morning Herald
    As a Secretary-General, at the same time, while I am firmly against impunity, I also hope that the members of the international community should pay due regard to all aspects of international humanitarian laws. During my entire tenure, I will try... Ban Ki-moon AXcess News Jan 2, 2007 50303 67918 impunity Its illegitimate and repressive regime should know that the whole world is going to hold it to account. The age of impunity in neglecting and overriding human rights is over," Mr Brown, whose country is the former colonial power in the...

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