The disallowance was said to be purely technical, and there was no imputation of dishonesty to Professor Bradley.
Stoutly Acting Chairman Edward Henry Lewinski Corwin of the Committee of Twenty denied the imputation of New York papers that the contest was for the purpose of creating the Ash .
Working the system: Imputation of Income In Florida divorces, there is such a thing as “imputation of income.” Income of a husband or a wife is especially important when it comes to issues such as child support, alimony, and any request for an award of attorneys fees.
Oct. 24, 2013 - The Palm Beach Post
Conrad Black in News1130 In a separate e-mail, Black said Tweedy Browne had "clearly sailed off the charts in their imputation of outrages motives to us," but he was confident he could deal with one of that principal.
Wayne Swan in AsiaOne I personally think dividend imputation has delivered an enormous benefit to the Australian economy,Treasurer Wayne Swan said when asked about speculation the credit could be scrapped when he unveils the government 2009/10 budget next month.
James Madison in Wall Street Journal As James Madison wrote in Federalist 43: "a dependence of the members of the general Government, on the State comprehending the seat of the Government for protection in the exercise of their duty, might bring on the national councils an imputation...