impressionism :

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im pre shuh ni zuhm

  • n  a school of late 19th century French painters who pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light

  • But back in the 1880s it was Bernard, at 20, just half Gauguin's age, who led the older man beyond impressionism and guided him toward the style that now defines him.
  • Both Robespierre and Lenin plotted revolution in Paris cafes; Hemingway and Joyce wrote in cafes; impressionism has been described by historian Roger Shattuck as "the first .
  • So from the late '80s on, Monet labored to take impressionism out of Paris and the immediate environs of the Seine.

  • Laurent Fabius in AFP
    We are rediscovering Impressionism, which has been a bit forgotten in France, unlike Japan and the United States,says Laurent Fabius, a prominent Socialist deputy and former prime minister who helped spearhead the Normandy project whose theme...
  • Shigeru Miyamoto in
    Speaking of the game at an E3 roundtable, Miyamoto stated, "I think the art style is very unique. I'ma big fan of impressionism in the art world, so we've drawn some inspiration from that. The sky and the mountain you can see in the E3 demo have a...
  • Ben Brantley in This is London
    New York Times critic Ben Brantley wrote: "I've concluded that even if I were to back up all the way to the Hudson River, with half-open eyes fixed on the stage where Mr Irons and Ms [Joan] Allen labor so valiantly, Impressionism still wouldn't look...

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