Something of father Sitwell's impressiveness can be judged from the fact that when 24-year-old Evelyn Waugh, already a hardened connoisseur of the old regime, first laid eyes on .
More than any man, Strauss embodies both the strength Germany can contribute to the free worldand the uneasiness that strength still stirs by its very impressiveness.
The impressiveness of the car-nage epic's take also surprised the industry analysts who had predicted a weekend figure in the $40 millions; some had thought FF might finish second .
Toy Stories: Model Planes And Ships That Speak For Norway About a year ago, we wrote about a peculiar problem of national identity . It turns out, despite the clean and minimal architecture and gleaming health care services, some Scandinavians detect a weakness in their political and cultural identity. So Oslo–based design group Permafrost tackled the issue by crafting a set of wooden kids' toys that visually extoll the impressiveness of the Norwegian ...
Oct. 2, 2013 - Fast Company Magazine
Terry Francona in I hope that the impressiveness is over,said Francona. "I hope he's had a great year and he goes 0-for-12, and I'm talking about, 'God, what a great year he had and then he struggled the last three games.' He's had an awesome year. I don't...