implausibility :

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  • n  the quality of provoking disbelief

  • A scene with a skeptical colleague addresses head-on a basic implausibility of the premise: why the hell does a billionaire need to turn to some kind of bizarre sci-fi brianwashing .
  • The initial explanation, that he had died during a game of "elude the cat" a type of "hide and seek" touched off widespread indignation at the implausibility of the story.
  • In that moment he admits the movie's implausibility and captures the heart of the audience.
News & Articles

  • Vladimir Putin Says He Didn't Steal Bob Kraft's Super Bowl Ring
    Yesterday, we wrote about how Russian president Vladimir Putin Deboed Patriots owner Bob Kraft for one of his Super Bowl rings. The story felt too good to be true, which means it might be too good to be true. Kraft's recount of the exchange and Putin's quote, for example, approaches something resembling implausibility: “I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes ...
    June 16, 2013 - Deadspin

  • Tony Abbott in Sydney Morning Herald
    I'm not accusing the government of cooking the books,he said. "But given the implausibility of these figures, it would help the government's case if all the modelling were released. As things stand, it's very hard to see how with this...
  • Kiwi Camara in Washington Post
    There was no premeditation. It wasn't a decision, and that obviously sounds not plausible because that's what anyone in my position would say. But there's nothing I can really do to counteract the implausibility,Camara said. "But I find it...
  • Victor Montori in International Herald Tribune
    We are convinced of the implausibility of conversations about the Iranian missile threat as a motivation for the establishment of a third site [in the US missile defense shield]. Everyone who is interested in normalizing the situation in the region... Sergey Lavrov Kommersant Jul 13, 2008 50081 67767 implausibly ...week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Victor Montori of McMaster University in Toronto pointed out that when trials are stopped early, the preliminary analyses can show implausibly large treatment effects," and...

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