The law's aim is to ensure production for an 80-day "cooling-off period" in strikes or threatened strikes found to imperil the "national health or safety," thereby giving .
Those moves brought widespread international condemnation, which in turn sparked a nationalistic backlash in China that some feared might imperil the smooth running of the .
Morning Report: SANDAG’s Pricey Old Digs Mayor-city attorney flap could imperil bonds, pot shops stay open illegally, nuke plant's future and a mayor-worthy beer.
June 11, 2013 - Voice of San Diego
President Bush in USA Today In a statement, Bush said the legislation "would imperil billions of dollars of Iraqi assets at a crucial juncture in that nation's reconstruction efforts."
Barack Obama in ABC News Obama continued, "I have condemned Russian aggression, and today I reiterate my demand that Russia abide by the cease-fire. Russia must know that its actions will have consequences. They will imperil the Civil Nuclear Agreement, and Russia's...
Antonin Scalia in Technorati (blog) We repeat those assurances here,Alito wrote. "Despite municipal respondents' doomsday proclamations, [the decision] does not imperil every law regulating firearms."