Geopolitics and troop movements aside, WWII was about millions of young people worldwide preparing to die, and The War made their experience heart-rendingly immortal.
The guys from the immortal Mystery Science Theater 3000 have split into two groups to make more fun of cheesy movies.
For what must surely rank as one of the greatest physical adventures in history was, unlike the immortal explorations of the past, infinitely more than a reconnaissance of .
Style Superstar: Nichole Galicia Is A Breezy Beauty The summer days are drifting away...but in the immortal words of John Travolta in a pair of skin-tight pants, oh, uh, those summer nights—you know, the ones where the sun goes down and the girls come out in their prettiest casual evening looks, and win all of the awards for outfits we'd love to copycat. [...]
June 14, 2013 - MTV
'True Blood' Season 6: What To Expect If the ad campaign for the sixth season of HBO's "True Blood" has taught us anything, it's that no one lives forever—not even hot immortal bloodsuckers. Now, how that tagline will play out in the upcoming episodes—in which vampires and humans are more at odds than they've been since the undead's coming out—remains to be [...]
June 14, 2013 - MTV
Superman on screen A look at actors who donned the cape and tights of the immortal DC Comics superhero
June 14, 2013 - CBS News
Arjen Robben in USA Today If you win the final, you make yourself immortal, at least in our country,said Arjen Robben, whose winner came three minutes after Sneijder scored. "We will do everything we can to take the Cup back."
Keith Richards in Washington Post I liked the living legend, that was all right, but immortal is even better,Richards said in an interview before accepting his award.
Rob Enderle in AFP Steve Jobs is not immortal or super human,Enderle said, adding that the board of Apple is shirking its duty if it isn't grooming a successor.