horsefly :

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  • n  winged fly parasitic on horses
  • n  large swift fly the female of which sucks blood of various animals

  • The coachman whipped up his cob, and the little party rumbled off along Fifty-ninth Street, Tilley brandishing his brassie with great ferocity at a horsefly.
  • Amid the tangle of stalled automobiles, the word darted around as erratically as a horsefly in a stable: "O Golpe! The coup!" In jittery Rio, something as commonplace as a .
  • Babe, nipped by a horsefly at the moment a sturgeon took the bait, twitched so violently that the huge fish was sent sailing all the way to Payette Lake.

  • Ian Poulter in AFP
    I was practising at Woburn on Monday and got bitten by a horsefly or something,said Poulter. "It was swollen yesterday and when I put my hand in my pocket I felt a big lump on my groin and knew it wasn't right. I went to the doctors, was...

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