hoka :

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  • n  a member of a North American Indian people speaking one of the Hokan languages
  • n  a family of Amerindian languages spoken in California

  • Clarence Ray Allen in San Diego Union Tribune
    Hoka hey, it's a good day to die,Allen said in a nod to his Choctaw Indian heritage. "Thank you very much, I love you all. Goodbye."
  • Red Cloud in Arizona Republic
    Red Cloud said he and his fellow organizers, "want 1,000 warriors who will climb on their Harleys and yell, 'Hoka Hey!' like the Lakota warriors did as a war cry for many years, and in the spirit of the Old West raise their voices for justice."
  • Raj Thackeray in Daily News & Analysis
    During a conversation with reporters, Thackeray said, "No one can understand Pawar's political moves. He speaks different things at different places. He is not a hoka yantra (navigation instrument), but a dhoka yantra."

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