hokkaido :

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hoh kahy doh

  • n  the second largest of the four main islands of Japan; to the north of Honshu

  • Ban Ki-moon in Quami Ekta
    We must act, in Hokkaido and beyond -- not merely because it is the right thing to do but also because it is in the enlightened interest of all of us,Mr. Ban wrote in an published in all G-8 countries ahead of the group's meeting scheduled to...
  • Tony Blair in AFP
    The G8 summit this year at Hokkaido will be the date with destiny on the issue,said Blair, who stepped down as prime minister last year after a decade in power.
  • Yasuo Fukuda in Reuters South Africa
    I will make sure what I heard from African leaders about many challenges including soaring food prices will be reflected in discussions at the Rome meeting and the G8 Hokkaido summit,Fukuda said.

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