hasty :

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hay stee

  • s  excessively quick
    made a hasty exit
  • s  done with very great haste and without due deliberation
    hasty marriage seldom proveth well"- Shakespeare
    hasty makeshifts take the place of planning"- Arthur Geddes
    rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion

  • So which was the real Roosevelt: the man who sat down to dinner with Washington or the one who ordered the hasty discharge of the soldiers? Historians would say both.
  • Patients suffering from spinal-cord injuries and Parkinson's find nothing hasty in that: last week, when the center started accepting applications for cell donations from people .
  • But his usual dignity, mellowed by age, prevents him from hasty action, and allows of reconsideration.
News & Articles


  • John McCain in ABC News
    The lasting advantage of a peaceful and democratic ally in the heart of the Middle East could still be squandered by hasty withdrawal and arbitrary timelines,McCain said in Las Vegas. "And this is one of many problems in the shifting...
  • Barack Obama in Telegraph.co.uk
    Mr Obama said: "Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions.......... our government made decisions based on fear rather than foresight...... our government trimmed facts and evidence to fit...
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in guardian.co.uk
    In words that ISNA said were directed at the US and Britain, Ahmadinejad said: "Definitely, by hasty remarks you will not be placed in the circle of friendship with the Iranian nation. I advise you [the United States and Britain] to correct your...

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