But only YouTube created a new way for millions of people to entertain, educate, shock, rock and grok one another on a scale we've never seen before.
Then there are the hardcore the Uruk-hai of Tolkien readers who have delved further, into The Silmarillion and beyond, who seriously grok the deep history and elaborate .
Even users should grok this cuspy sampler of computereseSince computers can understand only two words, variously defined as yes and no, on and off, or zero and one, computer.
David Edelstein in Los Angeles Times A cult gives its members license to feel superior to the rest of the universe,film critic David Edelstein wrote on the Lebowski phenomenon, "and so does a cult movie: it confers hipness on those who grok what the mainstream audience...
Steve Ballmer in ZDNet We will have more disruption from technology than other areas that have gotten more attention. In a sense we are a 'Johnny come lately,' but we really grok what is going on,Ballmer said.