glasnost :

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g las nost

  • n  a policy of the Soviet government allowing freer discussion of social problems

  • Significantly, with glasnost under fire from conservatives, Yeltsin last week seemed to be resurfacing.
  • Though sanctioned by the local Communist Parties, the movements boldly tested the very limits of glasnost.
  • But glasnost itself is an achievement of socialism.

  • Adam Michnik in FOXNews
    I don't have the slightest doubt that it was Gorbachev and his policy of glasnost and perestroika that opened the gates for the great changes that first took place in our country and then in this part of the continent,Michnik said.
  • Marvin Olasky in International Herald Tribune
    These organizations should be pressured to disclose information,Olasky said. "If glasnost worked in the Soviet Union, it can work in relation to these ministries."
  • Zackie Achmat in Reuters South Africa
    For the first time there is a Glasnost in our country, and that makes us excited,Achmat said.

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