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g lad

  • n  any of numerous plants of the genus Gladiolus native chiefly to tropical and South Africa having sword-shaped leaves and one-sided spikes of brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers; widely cultivated
  • a  showing or causing joy and pleasure; especially made happy
    glad you are here
    glad that they succeeded
    gave a glad shout
    a glad smile
    heard the glad news
    a glad occasion
  • s  eagerly disposed to act or to be of service
    glad to help
  • s  feeling happy appreciation
    glad of the fire's warmth
  • s  cheerful and bright
    a glad May morning

  • The South Koreans, who had seemed on the verge of collapse early in the war, continued to fight in a way that made the Americans glad to have them on their side.
  • Paul Johnson: I'm very glad to be with you.
  • Pollyanna Whittier, inventor of the famed "glad game" (which consists of picking out silver linings for all the blackest clouds), marries Jimmy Pendleton in Chapter One and .

  • Nick Swisher in The Associated Press
    It's so crazy. I felt like a politician the last four days. You're up in the polls; you're down in the polls. Man, this is taxing,Swisher said. "I'm glad this is over. I couldn't be any more excited."
  • Jason Alexander in The Associated Press
    I'm glad people are feeling like the economy's back enough that they can do it,Alexander said. "It wasn't because the interest in poker went away, so I have to assume people weren't willing to speculate."

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