As soon as a woman begins to gestate a baby she begins to create those hormones, and they promptly appear in her urine.
In fact, says Money, there are only four imperative differences: women menstruate, gestate and lactate; men impregnate.
Identical twins are in fact more similar to each other than a clone would be to his or her original, since twins gestate simultaneously in the same womb and are raised in the same .
Moto X review One year ago, Motorola, fat and fed by its Google acquisition , inched quietly into a silicon-spun cocoon to gestate. The subsequent passage of time allowed it to transmogrify and re-emerge a thing of red, yellow, blue and sometimes green beauty; a Google thing made by a Google company. The Moto X , its newborn monarch, arrives in an array of different colors, made possible by the NikeID-like ...
Aug. 5, 2013 - Engadget
Ray Ozzie in InformationWeek People are cranking out very substantial things that need time to gestate before we open them up for consumption,Ozzie said. "The staging of these more foundational investments is highly intentional. Before we introduce them at scale, each...
Krishna Bharat in Los Angeles Times We haven't had a lot of time to understand how users will respond,Bharat said in an interview. "Putting it into Google Labs allows us to gestate an idea."
Denis Leary in Hartford Courant We write as we go,Leary says. "We're always two episodes ahead at the most because we like to sort of let it gestate with the actors so we can see what the actors are doing and how their characters are interacting."