genesis :

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je nuh suhs

  • n  a coming into being
  • n  the first book of the Old Testament: tells of Creation; Adam and Eve; the Fall of Man; Cain and Abel; Noah and the flood; God's covenant with Abraham; Abraham and Isaac; Jacob and Esau; Joseph and his brothers
News & Articles


  • Tom Vilsack in The Associated Press
    The genesis of all of this starts with recognition that folks generally in rural America are struggling,Vilsack said. "Livestock producers in particular are no strangers to that struggle."
  • Ike Skelton in Marine Corps Times (subscription)
    US military operations in Iraq are "separate and distinct from the war against terrorists, who have their genesis in Afghanistan and who attacked us on 9/11, and the American people understand this," Skelton said, adding that Republican...
  • Jim Hood in Forbes
    However, in court papers filed last Friday, a lawyer for Hood says the January 2007 agreement doesn't give State Farm "blanket immunity" from a new investigation "with a new focus and new genesis."

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