- n art highly prized for its beauty or perfection
- n a crystalline rock that can be cut and polished for jewelry
he had the gem set in a ring for his wife - n a person who is as brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry
- n a sweet quick bread baked in a cup-shaped pan
- n a precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry
- Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and the egg-sized ruby bestowed on his new wife by Aristotle Onassis has put those blood-red stones, the rarest of all gems, very much back in .
- In the category of who'd have thunk to have asked goes this gem, kudos to the booker, from CNN's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer today: Alberto Gonzales: I think it's a .
- Occasionally, there is something new under the sun or, in the case of a beautiful new gem called Royal Lavulite, under the earth.