FDA's 1998 good agricultural practices guidance has not been updated, and its current good manufacturing practice regulations for food, which includes fresh-cut produce operations .
It was a breezy summer's eve, and she could smell the fresh-cut grass on her lawn.
Ceremonially, Gregorio the mate hands up to him what remains of the tequila and a fresh-cut half of lime.
Empowering Healthy Communities: Young Lungs at Play Summer is finally here. Birds happily chirp at 5 a.m., the golden glow of sunshine kisses your skin, and the smell of barbecues and fresh-cut grass fills the air.
June 17, 2013 - Erie Times-News
Marcellas Reynolds in PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) Marcellas Reynolds, a frequent guest on The Tyra Banks Show, adds, "The craft-service table is now entirely absent of junk food and carbs. All you see are lean turkey sandwiches and loads of fresh-cut veggies and fruit."