folksy :

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fohk see

  • s  characteristic of country life
    folksy humor
  • s  very informal and familiar
    a folksy radio commentator
    a folksy style

  • We do seem to want our pilots to sound folksy--otherwise why would they all use that same Chuck Yeager accent?--so maybe we want our Vice Presidents to sound folksy too.
  • She had that folksy thing down although I did notice, watching the squiggly lines down at the bottom of the CNN screen, that when she tried to get cutesy with her folksiness .
  • Keeping vigil outside Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch for nearly a month, Sheehan became a folksy celebrity: a hero to some and a villain to others.
News & Articles


  • Matt Damon in
    It's like a really bad Disney movie, The Hockey Mom.' Oh, I'm just a hockey mom from Alaska, and she's president,said Damon. "She's facing down Vladimir Putin and using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink. It's absurd."
  • Robin Lakoff in San Diego Union Tribune
    Obama speaks purely standard American English,said Lakoff, a Democrat. "Nevertheless, he has fashioned it into this warm, folksy kind of instrument."

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