It is a fadeout that engagingly spoofs the fadeout as a gimmick for ending pop records.
The fadeout was appropriately up-to-the-minute: a transport plane lifting into a sky that was streaked like the wan sunrise outside his studio.
From the moment Remy enters, crashing, to the final happy fadeout, Ratatouille parades the brio and depth that set Pixar apart from and above other animation studios.
The Thursday Playlist: Burn Notice and Other Finales, Derek on Netflix Fans often feel burned when the final curtain falls on a favorite show ? especially when it happens unexpectedly and without resolution (just ask fans of A&E's The Glades or, even more recently, AMC's The Killing, which at least solved its third-season case before the grim fadeout). This is not the situation with USA's Burn Notice, which has been leading all summer to a calculated big finish ...
Sept. 12, 2013 - TV Guide
Paul Roos in The Age I think it just shows how hard they have been working early in the game and we need to make sure we address that rather than relying on them to have some late quarter fadeout, which I don't think is going to happen,Roos said.