espouse :

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i spowz

  • v  choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans
    The candidate espouses Republican ideals
  • v  take in marriage
  • v  take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own

  • The parliamentarian espoused Gandhian ideas and refused to endorse violence as a method of protest.
  • As Muslims the world over feel that Jerusalem is slipping from their grasp, some espouse an intolerance that is far from the Koranic spirit.
  • Even someone like Subcomandante Marcos, the spokesman for the Chiapas Maya revolt, whose charisma and moral stance remind us of Che's, does not espouse his hero's economic or .

  • Nancy Pelosi in Forbes
    A point system for unification undermines our family values that we espouse in our country,said Pelosi. "I don't know why we have to make a compromise on reunification of families. I really don't."
  • Morgan Tsvangirai in New York Times
    Our country is on a razor's edge,Mr. Tsvangirai wrote Monday in The Guardian newspaper in Britain. "How can global leaders espouse the values of democracy, yet when they are being challenged fail to open their mouths?"
  • Mike Huckabee in Forbes
    Republicans don't ultimately choose their candidate based on poll numbers and predictions,Huckabee said. "They base it on the principles those candidates espouse and their ability to articulate them."

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