employment :

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em plaw i muhnt

  • n  the state of being employed or having a job
    they are looking for employment
  • n  the occupation for which you are paid
    he is looking for employment
  • n  the act of giving someone a job
  • n  the act of using

  • Today's monthly employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics was surprisingly positive.
  • Who knows what jobs will be born a decade from now? Though unemployment is at a 25-year high, work will return eventually.
  • TO economists and politicians, "full employment" does not mean what the words suggest: a job for absolutely everybody who wants one.
News & Articles


  • Timothy Geithner in BBC News
    We will closely and regularly monitor the appreciation of the renminbi and will continue to work towards expanded US export opportunities in China that support employment in the United States,he said.
  • Ben Bernanke in Seeking Alpha (blog)
    But last week was different, and Bernanke said in no uncertain terms that the Fed's "commitment to both price stability and maximum sustainable employment......will be key factors ensuring that the dollar remains a strong and stable currency."

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