Black Forest spoiled food drop-off El Paso County has announced a location for drop off of spoiled food for residents affected by the Black Forest fire. A dumpster for spoiled food located at the El Paso County Slash and Mulch on Herring Road will be moved to the parking lot of the trailhead for Section 16 along Burgess Road between Vollmer and Herring. This dumpsite for spoiled food will be available Wednesday, June 19, starting ...
June 19, 2013 - KRDO Colorado Springs
Musalia Mudavadi in Daily Nation We need the cabinet's approval to engage our development partners in relocating the Dandora dumpsite and utilising technology to convert the waste at the dumpsite into more useful material,said Mr Mudavadi.
Jessica Simpson in Times of India Some of these paraphernalia have already been turned over to the Commission on Elections and PPCRV, but about four to five compact flash (CF) were found in the said dumpsite which could be very much relevant to the conduct of canvassing. These CF... Aquilino Pimentel Jr,_Jr.&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEe89XfC-A0mYfTFF9JXtlUw76gHw Business Mirror May 27, 2010
30866 39728 dumpster The first time I went to that orphanage I was 16. I remember holding this baby who was found in a dumpster. I wanted to adopt him right away and wanted to have them before I had my own kids," Simpson told a magazine.