Fact 2: Markopolos once slept in a dumpster in the East 60's while staking out Bernie Madoff on the weekend after a triple witching options expiration, just to have first dibs on .
Deron Beal, Freecycle founder Freecycle encourages people to give away unwanted items rather than toss them in the dumpster.
Iranian antigovernment protesters chant slogans as a public trash dumpster is set on fire in Tehran In recent days, despite the regime's heavy-handed efforts to stifle the .
Mike Huckabee in National Post We have got a lot of people dumpster-diving right now in the political process, and they're going through every old wastebasket they can find to dig up anything I have ever said,Mr. Huckabee told CNN on Wednesday.
Adam Lind in Toronto Star This game is so humbling,said Lind, who raised his average to .313. "I learned it last year when I was a rookie that you can never get too high because this game will just put you right back at the bottom of the dumpster."