delimit :

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  • v  determine the essential quality of
  • v  be opposite to; of angles and sides, in geometry
  • v  set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something

  • Article 5 set up a special mission to delimit the zone of Fiume.
  • Perhaps in an effort to delimit his own brand of anger, Osborne states his aim in the current issue of Britain's longhaired Encounter: "I want to make people feel, to give them .
  • Experts were appointed to delimit the boundaries of the Free City of Danzig and to formulate laws under which the League High Commissioner in Danzig will be able to arbitrate .

  • Ignacio Bunye in People's Daily Online
    However, Bunye noted that the government is "open and ready to consider democratic rules of engagement that will uphold the dignity of officials and public servants, establish mutually agreed standards of media coverage, delimit issues only to those...
  • Alexander Downer in Sydney Morning Herald
    We will announce at the conclusion of the talks on 25 July the outcome of our negotiations to delimit the maritime boundaries between Australia and New Zealand,Mr Downer said in a statement. "This will be an important event, bringing to...

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