dawn :

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  • n  the first light of day
    we got up before dawn
  • n  the earliest period
    the dawn of civilization
  • n  an opening time period
    it was the dawn of the Roman Empire
  • v  become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions
    It dawned on him that she had betrayed him
  • v  appear or develop
    The age of computers had dawned
  • v  become light
    It started to dawn, and we had to get up

  • As dawn broke, a thick mist rolled across the pastureland around the Dutch hamlet of De Punt, enveloping the motionless yellow train.
  • The first faint flush of light that sometimes precedes the dawn is called the false dawn.
  • You may feel a bit like a financial vulture visiting these countries but, hey, this may be the dawn of Depression 2.
News & Articles


  • Barack Obama in Voice of America
    Every evening that the sun sets on a tranquil town, every dawn that a flag is unfurled, every moment that an American enjoys life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - that is their legacy,said President Obama.
  • Lee Myung-bak in StarPhoenix
    Sixty years ago, North Korea's communists opened fire on a weekend's dawn when all people were sleeping peacefully,he said.
  • Michael Steele in McClatchy Washington Bureau
    This is the dawn of a new party moving in a new direction,Steele said after his win.

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