At a few minutes before sunrise on a brilliant Sunday morning, the snow-covered mountains to the north and west were tinted pink while the valleys below still lay in shadow.
Just after sunrise, in virtually every park and town square in China, clusters of people glide in unison through a set of tranquil, ritualized movements known as qigong .
The sunrise Park glimpsed would be the last she'd ever see.
Sunrise Facebook friend of the day The Sunrise Facebook friend of the day for Tuesday, June 18 is Caleb Willis from Reeves.
June 18, 2013 - KPLC Lake Charles
SDG&E Touts Sunrise Powerlink’s Value to Region’s Energy Grid San Diego Gas & Electric says its Sunrise Powerlink energy transmission line that was put into service a year ago is performing as expected, boosting reliability of the grid while acting as a catalyst for renewable power production.
June 18, 2013 - San Diego Business Journal
Sunrise squads take home State Cup titles Two youth teams from the Sunrise Soccer Club recently captured State Cup championships in their respective age divisions.
June 17, 2013 - Sun-Sentinel