Abandonment of a so-called card check provision was an example of the power of moderate Democrats to constrain their partys more liberal legislative efforts.
His move ends a long, bleak period in which the moral objections of religious conservatives were allowed to constrain the progress of a medically important science.
President-elect Barack Obama has said he wants to reform the budget process and tighten discipline, but a revival or even expansion of prior budget rules could constrain his ability .
Glenn Greenwald Fires Back At Rep. Peter King: Won’t ‘Deter Me, Limit Me Or Constrain Me In Any Way’ The Guardian 's Glenn Greenwald saw Rep. Peter King (R-NY) call for his arrest today on Fox News , but he is refusing to be intimidated. The reporter who broke the NSA leaks with help from Edward Snowden says King's comment are "not going to deter me or limit me or constrain me in any way from exercising my core First Amendment rights.”
June 12, 2013 - Mediaite
Regulation threatens Europe's banking system: Deutsche Bank CEO By Edward Taylor FRANKFURT (Reuters) - An overload of global regulation threatens to stifle Europe's banking system and constrain economic growth, Deutsche Bank AG Co-Chief Executive Anshu Jain warned on Tuesday. "Over the past five years, the banking industry has reformed itself, and been reformed, at an unprecedented pace. But now, in Europe, there's a risk the pendulum may swing too far ...
June 11, 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! News
Henry Paulson in Christian Science Monitor For market discipline to be effective, market participants must not expect that lending from the Fed, or any other government support, is readily available,Paulson said in his testimony. "For market discipline to effectively constrain...
Barack Obama in Washington Post I do not have confidence that if she were confirmed to a lifetime position on the Supreme Court she would suddenly constrain the ardent political advocacy that has marked much of her adult life. The American people expect a justice who will... Mitch McConnell http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_McConnell&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEZA1ca3PJ7nNpSJFQIuI8CQ4eMWw The Hill http://www.google.com/url?q=http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/107045-sen-murkowski-to-vote-against-kagan&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGxVSf3q3qy8JfP6nHmA-3eIVVCpQ Jul 2, 2010
21553 29187 constrain Had the Supreme Court said, we want to constrain the ability of states to do this, to make sure it's done in a careful and appropriate way, that would have been one thing," said Obama. "But it basically had a blanket prohibition."