conscription :

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kuhn skrip shuhn

  • n  compulsory military service

  • This is conscription.
  • Virtually unnoticed in the catalogue of horrors emanating from Sierra Leone's brutal civil war is the forcible conscription of children, some as young as 7 years old.
  • The crisis came, rather, over conscription and the concomitant suspension of habeas corpus.

  • Franz Josef Jung in International Herald Tribune
    The Bundeswehr is the first democratically legitimized conscription-based army in German history,Jung said.
  • Tom Hayden in AFP
    Students were the bulwark of the anti-Vietnam war movement because students were being drafted, full stop,Hayden, a founding member of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in 1962, told AFP. "Ending forced conscription radically...
  • Hamid Karzai in RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
    For many years, I have been visited by Afghan community leaders who advise me to go back to some form of conscription for the Afghan Army,Karzai said in the German city of Munich on February 7. "So the young boys from the Afghan...

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