Wellness Rules Prescribed for Affordable Care Act Implementation, Manage them with Healthentic The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is becoming law in 2014, meaning that employers of all sizes are scrambling to decode the regulations and determine how to conform to the new guidelines. Wellness initiatives are an important part in cost-containment strategies for employer groups, but it is important to understand various incentive programs and how to track their successes. (PRWeb June 14, 2013 ...
June 14, 2013 - PRWeb
Facebook introducing hashtags The hashtags will conform to users' privacy settings -- so putting a hashtag in a post that's only visible to your friends won't make it show up for anyone other than your friends.
June 12, 2013 - The Sun Press
Dear Primary Dealer: Please Tell The Fed What To Do It may come as news to some, but the Fed really has no idea what it is doing (no, really - just read " Fed Confused Reality Doesn't Conform To Its Economic Models, Shocked Its Models Predict "Explosive Inflation " if you don't believe us ). After all, there is a reason for the saying "we are in uncharted waters." Which is why, to help it in its monetary decision-making , every few months, the ...
June 12, 2013 - Zero Hedge