Beer Buzz: There's a summer brew for everyone If the title doesn't already give it away, this month we'll be discussing summer beers, how they came about, what styles classify and different beers to look out for.
June 13, 2013 - Savannah Morning News
Mohawk: Czernyson looks to continue his hot start with Maven in the Armbro Flight It is a bit premature to classify trainer Jonas Czernyson’s 2013 accomplishments as a career year. The 40-year-old only has 33 starts (through June 11), but with 11 wins and 6 seconds, things are certainly going his way.
June 12, 2013 - Daily Racing Form
Could You Detect a Fake NBA Flop? Fake flop? Really? Yes. This was the story posted at Mashable . Apparently, people are getting tired of the fake flopping in NBA games. The above video gives a nice sample of fake flops. After watching some examples, it seems like we could classify flops into different types.
June 12, 2013 - Wired News
Joe Girardi in He's a back-end guy. That's how I'm going to classify him,Girardi said.
Brett Favre in Sports Network It may be reasonable to classify some information containing allegations about specific individuals in the Iraqi government, but the wholesale and even retroactive classification of all information is wrong and a misuse of the official... Henry Waxman Forbes Oct 12, 2007
18252 25720 classify Do I think we're a great football team? I don't know what you would classify great as," Favre said. "I think our record would indicate that we're pretty good, but I keep saying this week in, week out. I think there's so much more out there...