capacitance :

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kuh pa suh tuhns

  • n  an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored
  • n  an electrical device characterized by its capacity to store an electric charge

  • It was Maxwell who pointed out that resistors could be bent into hairpin turns so that their current flowed in two directions, canceling out capacitance or inductance.
  • In 1920 Theremin, a Russian physicist and cellist, discovered that natural body capacitance produced a controllable musical sound when it interfered with an electromagnetic .
  • Combined with the electrical properties of capacitance, inductance and resistance in the antenna arms, the transistor forms a circuit that has a low resonant frequency and thus .

  • John Pendry in Innovations-Report
    A simple, plain ring of metal gives a magnetic response, but in the wrong direction,says Professor Pendry, "By cutting the ring the flow of current is interrupted by capacitance across the gap which, together with the inductance of the...

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