In order to save money they contracted with a plastics company to pro duce a small butterfly-shaped part used to wind up the spring-powered paddle.
In Palm Beach County, the manual counting of 462,000 is just beginning while the butterfly-shaped fight over 29,000 rejected ballots 19,000 for double-punching, 10,000 for no .
Chandigarh will also have a High Court and an Assembly building, both under immense parasol roofshuge, butterfly-shaped affairs supported by concrete columns, which will act .
Gallup Park Butterfly Garden - August 2013 Question Corner Q. How long has there been a butterfly garden at Gallup Park? Who decided it should be there? A. The Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden was started in 1989 by the Ann Arbor Rotary North service club, and the Rotarians continue to maintain the butterfly-shaped garden for the city. The parks department ...
Aug. 19, 2013 - Ann Arbor Observer