However, 1,000 watts of heat won't boil much water, so Kamen developed a closed system, powered by whatever fuel is at hand, that traps the energy released when the boiled water .
A day earlier, he had said wage disparities between genders made his "blood boil.
They say, 'We need to boil all the hope out of him.
Jimmy Buffett in LEX18 Lexington KY News People were going, `What are you going to do about things?' I mean, hell, I can't stick my finger in that hole. Everybody wishes they could,said Buffett. "But there's a huge amount of frustration and probably it will boil over in...
Damon Hill in Liverpool Echo It's just been on simmer for the moment. Now it's going to start to boil over,said Hill. "This could be the start of the rest of the season. Traditionally, with Silverstone smack in the middle, the preliminaries are over. From now on the...
Angela Merkel in Economic Times I'll boil it down to its core: The euro is the foundation for growth and prosperity, along with the common market, also for Germany. The euro is in danger,Merkel told parliament.