blubber :

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b luh ber

  • n  an insulating layer of fat under the skin of whales and other large marine mammals; used as a source of oil
  • n  excess bodily weight
  • v  cry or whine with snuffling
  • v  utter while crying

  • Spurred by demand for lamp fuel as whale blubber grew scarce, derricks popped up all over Pennsylvania's oil region in the 1860s, although subsequent overproduction drove prices so .
  • That moment, of course, is the nude wrestling match between Borat, a hairy beanpole of a broadcaster from Kazakhstan, and his producer, a mountain of bearded blubber.
  • Spurred by demand for lamp fuel as whale blubber grew scarce, derricks popped up all over Pennsylvania's oil region in the 1860s--although subsequent overproduction drove prices so .
News & Articles

  • 'Tiger Eyes,' the movie, a gift from Judy Blume to her long-time fans
    Judy Blume, a New Jersey native, and iconic writer did this movie for her fans in their 20s, 30s and 40s, the women who write to her regularly about the impact she had on them when they were girls passing around dog-eared copies of “Forever” after spending their younger years reading “Freckle Juice,” “Blubber” and the “Fudge” series.
    June 6, 2013 - The Record

  • Beck in Media Matters for America
    On the March 21 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, The Glenn Beck Program, Beck called Rosie O'Donnell, co-host of ABC's The View, a "fat witch," claimed that O'Donnell has "blubber ...... just pouring out of her eyes," and...
  • David Zinczenko in Reuters
    Researchers have found having sex twice a week can help bolster a person's immune system, burn excess blubber, and ease anxiety,Zinczenko said. "The benefits for men also include a reduced risk of prostate cancer and lower odds of a heart...
  • Kerry Katona in NOTW Blogs
    But a source close to Kerry, 28, told us: "We're all really worried for her. She's got it into her head hoovering out the blubber is the only quick fix answer because it took her from a bloated 14-stone size 16 to a size six last year. But look what...

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