systemize :

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  • v  arrange according to a system or reduce to a system

  • It's easy to avoid and hard to commit to, but Allen says building it into your routine helps systemize effective planning.
  • He writes that autism is associated with a particularly intense drive to systemize and an unusually low drive to empathize.
  • Maybe it's his drive to systemize that explains this enigmatic brilliance.

  • Jean-Claude Juncker in Reuters
    There is an ad-hocism in the solutions that we are proposing even if several of us are involved,Juncker said. "I think we need to systemize the European response."
  • Bill Clinton in San Diego Union Tribune
    I just knew that unless somebody was committed to helping these countries systemize their approach and get this medicine out there, people were going to keep dying like flies who don't have to die,Clinton said.
  • Lee Myung-bak in 코리아타임즈
    I think many ethnic Koreans are ready to work for their homeland for about one year. If we systemize the project, there will be many volunteers,Lee said in January. "I am not sure how many Korean American students would apply for the...

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