encourage :

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en ku rij

  • v  contribute to the progress or growth of
  • v  inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to
  • v  spur on
    His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife

  • This provision will encourage all firms to pursue investment in the coming months, but will benefit small firms in particular, who generally have smaller amounts of annual property .
  • A better plan would be to encourage mortgage holders to renegotiate the principle down to 100% of current market value, and then refinance at low rates through Fannie Freddie.
  • To encourage investors to re-enter the stock market and foster corporate responsibility, he is set to propose that taxes on dividends be eliminated entirely.
News & Articles


  • Pope Benedict XVI in Earthtimes (press release)
    Today I encourage each of you to do what you can to foster healing and reconciliation and to assist those who have been hurt,Benedict said in an advance version of his homily.
  • Roger Goodell in Boston Globe
    This episode represents a calculated and deliberate attempt to avoid longstanding rules designed to encourage fair play and promote honest competition on the playing field,Commissioner Roger Goodell wrote in a letter to the Patriots.
  • Barack Obama in Business Mirror
    It's time for those banks to fulfill their responsibility to help ensure a wider ecovery,Obama said. "We're going to take every appropriate step to encourage them to meet those responsibilities."

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