conformity :

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kuhn fawr muh tee

  • n  correspondence in form or appearance
  • n  acting according to certain accepted standards
    their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices
  • n  orthodoxy in thoughts and belief
  • n  concurrence of opinion
  • n  hardened conventionality

  • Psychologists believe they may have been guided by a strong moral compass and past experiences with conformity.
  • Consumerism is no longer about "conformity" but about "difference.
  • A psychologist and well-known researcher of twins decries conformity in scientific culture.
News & Articles


  • John Howard in Washington Post
    It's pretty obvious to me that the players and the body wanted to act in conformity with public opinion but in the end, not surprisingly, they wanted a situation where the decision was taken by the government and not the players,Howard said....
  • Christine Lagarde in Leading The Charge
    Lagarde said Societe Generale's management of the transactions was "in conformity with the existing regulations."
  • John F Kennedy in Plainview Daily Herald
    In an era when "alikeness" was prized, Kennedy said, "Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." "We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes." "Let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking...

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